Flash Loans + Looping

Flash loans are a feature designed for developers, due to the technical knowledge required to execute one. Flash Loans allow you to borrow any available amount of assets without putting up any collateral, as long as the liquidity is returned to the protocol within one block transaction. To do a Flash Loan, you will need to build a contract that requests a Flash Loan. The contract will then need to execute the instructed steps and pay back the loan + interest and fees all within the same transaction.

Is there a fee?

No, Flash Loans on Lore do not have a fee.


Looping allows users to deposit -> borrow -> deposit the same asset up to 5 times. Some users may see this as useful for leveraging points or token emissions.

Users using the looping module to lever up their position will NOT incur a flash loan fee on 'Leverage'.

Note: Users using the looping module to 'Unleverage' their position will not be charged a flash loan fee.

If you have questions, please reach out to the Lore team in our official Discord.

Last updated