
How much would I pay in interest?

The interest rate you pay for borrowing assets depends on the borrowing rate which is derived from the supply and demand ratio of the asset. Moreover, the interest rate of a variable rate changes constantly, whereas stable interest rate provides stability for the interest rates. You can find your current borrowing rate at any time in the Borrowings section of your dashboard.

What is the health factor?

The health factor is the numeric representation of the safety of your deposited assets against the borrowed assets and its underlying value. The higher the value is, the safer the state of your funds are against a liquidation scenario. If the health factor reaches 1, the liquidation of your deposits will be triggered. A Health Factor below 1 can get liquidated. For a HF=2, the collateral value vs borrow can reduce by 1 out of 2: 50%. The health factor depends on the liquidation threshold of your collateral against the value of your borrowed funds.

For more technical details about the health factor calculation, please see the Liquidations section.

What happens when my health factor is reduced?

Depending on the value fluctuation of your deposits, the health factor will increase or decrease. If your health factor increases, it will improve your borrow position by making the liquidation threshold more unlikely to be reached. In the case that the value of your collateralized assets against the borrowed assets decreases instead, the health factor is also reduced, causing the risk of liquidation to increase.

When do I need to pay back the loan?

There is no fixed time period to pay back the loan. As long as your position is safe, you can borrow for an undefined period. However, as time passes, the accrued interest will grow making your health factor decrease, which might result in your deposited assets becoming more likely to be liquidated.

How do I pay back the loan?

In order to payback the loan you simply go to the Borrowing section of your dashboard and click on the repay button for the asset you borrowed and want to repay. Select the amount to pay back and confirm the transaction.

How do I avoid liquidation?

In order to avoid the reduction of your health factor leading to liquidation, you can repay the loan or deposit more assets in order to increase your health factor. Out of these two available options, repaying the loan would increase your health factor more.

If you have questions, please reach out to the Lore team in our official Discord.

Last updated